about us

We are a small local company keen to do our bit to clean up the world. Working with a master soaper in the oldest soap factory in New Zealand, together we craft fabulous soap from all-natural, plant-based ingredients. We leave out the pointless single-product packaging, palm oil, the fancy advertising, the petrochemicals, and even the animal products.

The idea for Beyond Soap came from a couple of households passionate about better products with low impact; it transpired into making the best eco-friendly soap we could. 

Back in the day, we used liquid soap. It felt good, but what didn’t feel good was all the plastic bottles going to waste. So quite some time ago we made the switch to soap bars, but even the good ones were wrapped in individual plastic-lined packets which couldn’t be composted or recycled, instead going straight to landfill. 

Beyond Soap leaves out the things none of us needs to feel clean. The single-product packaging and the other nasties. And leaves in the stuff that makes us feel good. plant-based ingredients, essential oils and sweet, sweet smells.

Our soaps are triple-milled from olive and coconut oil and blended with shea butter, and natural essential oils. And they smell delicious, sweet orange, peppermint and lavender. Yay for the plants! 

It all comes to you naked, delivered snuggly in a fully compostable and recyclable cardboard box with compostable paper wrap. Our mission is to see no more millions of individually wrapped plastic-lined soapboxes causing environmental havoc.

Beyond Soap has soap sorted, so you can think about something else.